Transactions on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals (ISSN:1868-6451)

Volume 1 - Number 1 - September 2009 - Pages 62-75

High Resolution Invasive Analysis of Spraying Processes at Hollow Cone Nozzles Using Fiber Sensors

M. Gaspar1, F. Weichert1, and E. Musemic2

1 Department of Computer Graphics
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technische Universitšat Dortmund, Germany


The paper introduces an experimental framework for a comprehensive invasive analysis of spraying cone properties at Hollow Cone Nozzles using fiber sensors. The aim is an automatic, fast and reproducible extraction and visualization of relevant features of the liquid sheet like sheet velocity and surface wave properties, that shows a much higher resolution in time and space than a non-invasive CCD-camera based analysis.

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