Transactions on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals (ISSN:1868-6451)

Volume 5 - Number 1 - September 2013 - Page 25-40

A Similarity-Based Object Recognition Algorithm

P. Perner and S. Jänichen

Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, IBaI, Leipzig, Germany


Model-based object recognition is a challenging task especially if the objects of interest have a great natural variance. Such applications cannot be solved by only one general case, a case base is necessary to detect all objects with a sufficiently high accuracy. A flexible matching strategy is required that selects the most similar case out of the case base and fits it to an unseen object in a restricted distance transformation. In this paper we present our matching algorithm that establish point correspondences between a shape case and the found edges extracted from new images. A positive match will be found if the similarity measure holds

Keywords: Case-based Object Recognition, Model-based Matching, Point Correspondence, Image Segmentation

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