Transactions on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals ISSN:1868-6451, Online ISSN 2509-9353

Volume 8 - Number 1 - September 2017 - Page 13-30

Verification of Hypotheses generated by Case-Based Reasoning Object Matching

Petra Perner

Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, IBaI, Germany


Case-based reasoning object-matching is the methods at choice when the objects can be identified by case models. The result of the matching process will be many hypotheses for the true shape of the objects. These hypothesizes must be verified in a hypothesis-verification process. We review in this paper what has been done so far and present our hypothesis-verification rules. The rules get evaluated and the results are shown in the images and the achievements are discussed. We consider two different hypothesis-verification rules, one is based on set-theory and the other one is based on statistical measures. Finally, we describe the results achieved so far and give an outlook about further work.

Keywords: Case-Based Reasoning Object-Matching, Hypothesis-Test Verification, Set Theory, Statistical Measures

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